Looking forward to 2 weeks of fun with the “grandparents” 🐾

Today's Pawsome Human: Krista Martin - The Unleashed Project: Bringing Business Strategy to Animal Welfare

Looking forward to 2 weeks of fun with the “grandparents” 🐾

My parents come over from Germany for a visit each year in September.

Ms. Lea was born on August 29, 2022, so my parents met her for the first time when she was a year old (see below my dad playing with his new “granddaughter” 😛 last year.)

Wrapping her “grandparents” around her tail 🤣

It’ll be different this year … without Cai … but that doesn’t change the fact that my parents love the dogs and massively enjoy spoiling them 🤣 (any “no begging at the table” rule certainly goes out the window while my parents almost compete with each other over who shares more food with the dogs :-)

They don’t have their own dog.

I often suggested they get one but they are happy just spoiling other people’s dogs every now and then, for two reasons.

They love to travel and yes, I have to agree, having dogs certainly takes a lot of spontenaity out of traveling, and that’s not something they’re keen on.

But the bigger reason is that they feel having to say good bye to a dog is just too much to bear.

They were here with me when Leo crossed the bridge 3 years ago. It’s the only time I’ve ever seen my dad cry.

“See, that’s why I don’t want another dog. This is just too much,” he said.

Fair enough.

I personally see it differently.

I was a mess when Leo died, and again when Cai crossed in April this year. It feels like a piece of my soul gets ripped out of me and still ..

I feel it’s a small price to pay for the happiness and unconditional love they give every single day.

The heart simply expands with each dog that comes into my life.

What about you? How do you feel about getting another dog after one crosses the bridge? Hit reply, I’d love to hear ..

Soul Touched by Dogs LIVE Masterclass

Join us for

"Enhancing Your Intuition For A Deeper Connection To Your Dog" with Sue London

23rd September, 5 pm Europe (4 pm UK, 11 am ET, 8 am PT)

(HERE is what time that is for you)

You might remember Sue .. she was last week’s Pawsome Human.

Join us for this LIVE session where Sue will share 5 essential steps to enhance your intuition, along with practical tools and real-life examples.
You’ll leave equipped with valuable insights, tools, and signs to help you forge a deeper connection with your dog.

And ...

... you'll get to experience Sue's healing for yourself:

Sue will provide everyone in the audience with a healing session for both themselves and their pet(s) during the live call, as well as for those who listen to the replay. Additionally, you’ll receive another healing session the following day.

If you'd like to experience a deeper connection to your dog(s), you won't want to miss this one 🐾

This week’s Pawsome Human: Krista Martin - The Unleashed Project: Bringing Business Strategy to Animal Welfare

Krista and I met in a mastermind group for business owners. She was a speaker at one of my mini summits and we’ve supported each other’s businesses in various ways over the years.

As we caught up after a while and I told her about Soul Touched by Dogs, her eyes lit up.

“Oh, I have to tell you about my latest project, you’ll love it!”

I did 💃 and I invited her to come on the podcast so that you get to hear about it too.

Krista has found a powerful way to merge her business skills with her passion for dogs: The Unleashed Project.

She shares how her business background and volunteer experiences have highlighted opportunities for systemic improvements, particularly in addressing overpopulation challenges and changing societal attitudes toward pets.

Grab a cuppa and join a delightful conversation (and yes, please like and subscribe to help the baby youtube channel grow 🙏)

To find out more and connect with Krista:

Website: https://unleashedproject.com

Bio: Krista Martin, MBA, CPCC, PCC, is the President & Founder of  Make Your Mark.  As a sought after speaker and business mentor, she teaches coaches how to build their authority positioning and scale to multiple six figures through speaking.

She takes a stand for helping her clients build multiple six figure businesses. The reach, impact, and personal transformation her clients achieve through the process is what makes this level of success so important.

Spending more than 12 years in corporate, she has extensive business, marketing and sales experience. She built and sold her first "side biz", built a 7 figure coaching business, and now enjoys helping her clients build their business that fits into their life (instead of the other way around).

Krista recently launched a new company, The Unleashed Project. With her passion, mission and dedication to saving healthy and adoptable animals from euthanasia, she is committed to bring strategic thinking and problem solving to the animal welfare space.

To find out more about Krista or either of her businesses, please visit: makeyourmark.com or unleashedproject.com.

If you prefer to listen ... subscribe to the PODCAST

It’s on Apple podcasts and everywhere else, so you can access it from your favourite podcast app.

If you enjoy listening, please consider leaving a rating and review so other dog lovers can find the show and join the doggie fun.

If you’re not using Apple podcasts, GoodPods is a great app that makes that easy.

If you haven’t voted yet .. I still need your help to win the Women in Podcasting award 🙏

If you know and enjoy the Soul Touched by Dogs podcast, please 🙏 click the button below and vote for me.

There aren't many podcasts in the Pets category so we have a realistic chance of winning, at least in the category 😛 Voting still open throughout September.

NOTE: The process to vote is a little clunky (sorry, tech nerd speaking here ..)

The button below takes you to my nominee page.

From there, click VOTE which takes you to a signup form, then the voting form.

Choose PODCASTS, then select the PETS category and choose Soul Touched by Dogs from the dropdown.

Don't get carried away thinking you can vote for other podcasts in a different category 🤪 I tried and it only registered one (not the one I wanted) .. so please, make sure you ONLY select the Soul Touched by Dogs podcast.


Yep, totally me 😛

Are you a canine professional?

A trainer, coach, behaviorist, nutritionist, holistic vet, or other canine expert with a holistic, kindness-first approach?

Would you like to be a guest on the podcast? Do you know someone you think would make a great guest?

Is your business ready for an upgrade to lift the limits on how much you can earn, without working even more, or hiring a big team?

Check out the Shop

Get a mug with a picture of YOUR dog 🐾🐾 

How about a mug with a picture of YOUR dog, for your morning coffee or as a gift, using the proceeds to sponsor dogs in need and help the people who help dogs?

If you’d like one, hit reply and let me know.

Send me a good-quality photo of your dog and I’ll create the design and send you a link where you can purchase it.

They get made to order so it takes 10-12 days to arrive. €15 + shipping.

(Shipping depends on where you are of course but will be somewhere around €5-12. I’ll check for you before I go and create the design, so there won’t be any surprises)

Get your Soul Touched by Dogs t-shirt

The moment I had the idea for the mugs, I knew I also wanted t-shirts 😝 and I’m super happy with mine 🐾🐾😊😊

If you want, you can get yours here https://mavericks.tpopsite.com/product/t-shirt-woman-soul-touched-by-dogs-dark-blue (they come in a few different colours)

If it doesn’t come in your size, let me know. I do work with another supplier so we can find an option that works for you.

Just like with the mugs, the proceeds will be donated to help dogs in need.

And as always ..

If you know another Soul Touched by Dogs, please send them to https://soultouchedbydogs.com 🙏🙏🐾🐾

Until next week,
