Can your dog's acting skills rival Leo's? šŸ¤£

Today's Pawsome Human shares his brand new product DogFenderĀ®

Leo was an actor

The vet took care of Leoā€™s wound after he got bitten. Then she looks up and says,

ā€œThis oneā€™s ready for Hollywood!ā€

Apparently, the wound was rather insignificant (although the shock certainly wasnā€™t, for both of us).

But it is a fact that Leo knew how to put on a show when he didn't want to do something ..

Like going for a walk when he knew dinner time was approaching (click the image to see him in action for 30 seconds):

Or that other time when he started limping just to get me to turn around and go home .. (I was too dumbstruck to record šŸ¤Ŗ)

How are your dogā€™s acting skills? If you have a funny story to tell, hit reply, Iā€™d love to hear.

Pawsome Humans Interview: Peter Antonio - Inventor of DogFenderĀ®

In this episode, Peter Antonio, the inventor and CEO of DogFenderĀ®, and I talk about his innovative product.

DogFenderĀ® is a collar that defends dogs from attacks by creating a static barrier and releasing a stimulant into the aggressor's mouth if there is any contact.

Peter shared how his own dog's traumatic experience led to the creation of the collar and how it has brought peace of mind to many dog owners.

We have a look at how DogFenderĀ® works, the importance of responsible dog ownership, and how it doesn't just protect a dog from getting attacked, it also protects the other dog from causing harm and getting wrongfully euthanized.

Find out more about Peter and DogFenderĀ® at

Thanks, Chris Miller, for the introduction!

Gift yourself a time-out and listen in ..

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Itā€™s on Apple podcasts and everywhere else, so you can access it from your favourite podcast app.

If you enjoy listening, please consider leaving a rating and review so other dog lovers can find the show and join the doggie fun.

If youā€™re in the UK .. Easy Fundraising - You Shop, Brands Donate

One of the amazing things that happens as a result of starting Soul Touched by Dogs is that so many people make introductions or tag me in posts related to dogs.

This is one of those recommendations.

The idea is simple:

I have no idea if something like this exists in other countries (if you do, please let me know) but I really like the concept .. weā€™re buying stuff anyway, might as well help dogs in the process :-)

Ready to get YOUR Soul Touched by Dogs mug?

Get a mug with a picture of YOUR dog šŸ¾šŸ¾ 

How about a mug with a picture of YOUR dog, for your morning coffee or as a gift, using the proceeds to sponsor dogs in need and help the people who help dogs?

If youā€™d like one, hit reply and let me know. Orders in time for Christmas need to be placed by Dec 10th at the very latest.

Send me a good-quality photo of your dog and Iā€™ll create the design and send you a link where you can purchase it.

They get made to order so it takes 10-12 days to arrive. ā‚¬15 + shipping.

(Shipping depends on where you are of course but will be somewhere around ā‚¬5-12. Iā€™ll check for you before I go and create the design, so there wonā€™t be any surprises)

Get your Soul Touched by Dogs t-shirt

The moment I had the idea for the mugs, I knew I also wanted t-shirts šŸ˜ and Iā€™m super happy with mine šŸ¾šŸ¾šŸ˜ŠšŸ˜Š

If you want, you can get yours here (they come in a few different colours)

If it doesnā€™t come in your size, let me know. I do work with another supplier so we can find an option that works for you.

Just like with the mugs, the proceeds are going to dogs in need.

Panic to Peace - Holistic Approaches to Calming Anxious Rescue Dogs .. coming up in February 24

Iā€™m inviting experts in the areas of dog behaviour, nutrition, health, wellbeing - with a holistic, connection-based approach - for a virtual conference to share their wisdom to help us help our rescue dogs.

If you could get your most pressing question answered, what would you ask?

And as always ..

If you know another Soul Touched by Dogs, please send them to šŸ™šŸ™šŸ¾šŸ¾

Until next week,
