Are you prepared for a doggie emergency?

Today's Pawsome Human: Nicole Essawy - Saving Dogs' Lives with First Aid Skills

How to Overcome Separation Anxiety - Join the April LIVE Masterclass with Ness Jones

“Oh, I wish I’d known you when Leo was young,” was the first thing I said when I met Ness Jones.

How many hours of stress could I have saved little Leo.

Or the notes under the door from the neighbors.. “Leo did not stop barking and banging on the door from 21:24 to 23:46” ..

I was known to take Leo anywhere I could but sometimes, he had to stay at home, and he didn’t handle it well.

And it’s not that I didn’t try to help him ..

Kong toy? Ha .. he was way too stressed to even look at that.

Water or treats? The same .. he wouldn’t touch anything until I was back.

Restrict his access to the front door (or other areas in the house) .. Ha .. each new space I tried to get him to relax in simply turned into another one with a chewed-up door.

Tire him out before leaving .. Ha .. he always had the energy to panic.

NONE of the advice given worked.

He got better when I started to go to regular yoga classes but it was a tough ride until then.

When I spoke to Ness Jones, a certified separation anxiety behavior consultant, for the Panic to Peace Summit, I quickly realized that I’d fallen for what’s perhaps the biggest mistake we’re making when it comes to our dogs .. going too fast.

Well, if you feel like a prisoner in your own home because leaving your dog(s) alone at home is an issue, you won’t want to miss this class!

I know the time might be a bit dodgy .. Ness is based in Brisbane, Australia, and there is literally no time that’s reasonable for people in Australia, Europe AND the US.

So you might not be able to make it live.

Sign up anyway and send your questions (I ask you on the registration form).

I’ll make the recording available so you can catch up in your own time.

Coming up …

In May: Miranda Wimbush about stressing less for dogs and their people

Stay tuned ..

If there is a topic or expert you’d love me to invite, please let me know.

This week’s Pawsome Human: Nicole Essawy - Saving Dogs' Lives with First Aid Skills

Are You Prepared For an Emergency? 

In this episode, I chat with Nicole, a German native living in Atlanta, Georgia, who has transitioned from a 20-year career in the trade show business to teaching pet first aid. 

Yes, we could have chatted in German but no worries, we didn’t 🤣

Nicole’s husband loves rock climbing, so they’re often out and about, hiking in remote areas.

“We’re miles away from civilization or an emergency vet. What would I do if my dog got bitten by a snake or hurt a leg?” Nicole asked herself.

She started researching and eventually training in pet first aid. 

She became certified through Pet Tech, likened to the American Red Cross for pets, and now teaches comprehensive classes for both dog and cat owners. 

Nicole points out how important it is to be prepared for emergencies, covering a wide range of topics from prevention and CPR to how to handle choking and inducing vomiting. 

So, how prepared are YOU for a doggie emergency?

Find out more and connect with Nicole:

Gift yourself a time-out and listen in on our conversation

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23 Things You Do That Your Dog Actually Hates

I’m always curious when I come across a list like that.

After all, we can’t improve on the stuff we’re not aware we’re doing, or we’re not aware that they aren’t good for, or welcome by our dog(s).

There are a few on this list that I’ve been guilty of .. 🤪

What about you? Do you do any of the 23 things listed here? Let me know, I’d love to hear.

Are you a canine professional?

A trainer, coach, behaviorist, nutritionist, holistic vet, or other canine expert with a holistic approach?

Would you like to be a guest on the podcast? Do you know someone you think would make a great guest?

Get YOUR Soul Touched by Dogs mug

Get a mug with a picture of YOUR dog 🐾🐾 

How about a mug with a picture of YOUR dog, for your morning coffee or as a gift, using the proceeds to sponsor dogs in need and help the people who help dogs?

If you’d like one, hit reply and let me know.

Send me a good-quality photo of your dog and I’ll create the design and send you a link where you can purchase it.

They get made to order so it takes 10-12 days to arrive. €15 + shipping.

(Shipping depends on where you are of course but will be somewhere around €5-12. I’ll check for you before I go and create the design, so there won’t be any surprises)

Get your Soul Touched by Dogs t-shirt

The moment I had the idea for the mugs, I knew I also wanted t-shirts 😝 and I’m super happy with mine 🐾🐾😊😊

If you want, you can get yours here (they come in a few different colours)

If it doesn’t come in your size, let me know. I do work with another supplier so we can find an option that works for you.

Just like with the mugs, the proceeds are going to dogs in need.

And as always ..

If you know another Soul Touched by Dogs, please send them to 🙏🙏🐾🐾

Until next week,
