It's all about TRUST ...

Today's Pawsome Human shares about Transforming Your Dog's Health with Energy and Love

I'm delighted and proud to be part of The Empowered Dog Lover summit Miranda Wimbush Bourque is hosting for dog lovers looking for ways to deepen their connection with their dogs.

When my first dog Leo and I found each other, I went on a quest to learn everything I could about how to offer this little pup, shaken up by tough 4 months in the harsh streets of Granada, the best possible life. I'd promised that to him.

I talked to vets and dog trainers, I researched online.

A lot of the advice didnā€™t make sense or plainly didnā€™t work.

Something was missing.

I'm grateful to Leo for goofing along with me on that unexpectedly deep journey of discovery ..

I didn't quite expect to find the missing piece on "this end" of the leash.

Looking at things through the lens of "How can I be the person my dog can trust?" is what shifted everything.

It's what led me to create Soul Touched by Dogs.

And when I met Miranda online, it felt like coming home.

On Wednesday, we had a Meet & Greet call for the Empowered Dog Lover summit speakers, and being in a room full of kind souls on a mission to help us love our dogs better was heart-warming, to say the least.

To be honest, I had to cut my intro short because I was tearing up.

So, if you're a Soul Touched by Dogs, you really don't want to miss The Empowered Dog Lover summit.

PS: My talk is on "Trust Your Magnificent Mind: Unleashing your innate confidence and intuition to live and lead without second-guessing yourself"

Canā€™t wait to see you there!

Pawsome Humans Interview: Dr. Jeff Feinman

In this episode, my guest Dr. Jeff Fineman, a U.S.-based veterinarian, and I talked about his unique approach to pet care that focuses on quality of life and happiness rather than just treating symptoms.

We discussed the importance of behavior, energy, appetite, and mood - BEAM - in assessing a pet's well-being, as well as the role of holistic practices like Reiki and nature therapy.

Dr. Jeff also shared about Holistic Actions, his online community where pet owners can learn more about his methods and receive support.

If you want to learn more about how a holistic approach can improve your pet's health and happiness, you donā€™t want to miss this one.

Find out more and connect with Dr. Jeff:

Gift yourself a time-out and listen in ..

If you prefer to listen ... subscribe to the PODCAST

Itā€™s on Apple podcasts and everywhere else, so you can access it from your favourite podcast app.

If you enjoy listening, please consider leaving a rating and review so other dog lovers can find the show and join the doggie fun.

Talking about TRUST ..

I remember the moment.

I was scrolling on Facebook when an ad caught my attention ..

ā€œDo you sometimes feel that your animal doesnā€™t understand that youā€™re just trying to help?ā€

The short video showed a man sitting on the floor in a horse stable, with the horse resting its head on his lap.

If Iā€™ve ever seen a peaceful scene, this was it.

Turns out ā€œpeacefulā€ is James Frenchā€™s word ..

I clicked on the ad, grabbed his short course that introduced The Trust Technique and havenā€™t looked back .. life-changing for me and my dogs (thatā€™s not an exaggeration, and I will go into more detail in a future edition)

Yesterday, I received an email saying that his TED Talk was released. Here is your invitation to give yourself the gift of 17 peaceful moments that might just change your life too ..

Ready to get YOUR Soul Touched by Dogs mug?

Get a mug with a picture of YOUR dog šŸ¾šŸ¾ 

How about a mug with a picture of YOUR dog, for your morning coffee or as a gift, using the proceeds to sponsor dogs in need and help the people who help dogs?

If youā€™d like one, hit reply and let me know.

Send me a good-quality photo of your dog and Iā€™ll create the design and send you a link where you can purchase it.

They get made to order so it takes 10-12 days to arrive. ā‚¬15 + shipping.

(Shipping depends on where you are of course but will be somewhere around ā‚¬5-12. Iā€™ll check for you before I go and create the design, so there wonā€™t be any surprises)

Get your Soul Touched by Dogs t-shirt

The moment I had the idea for the mugs, I knew I also wanted t-shirts šŸ˜ and Iā€™m super happy with mine šŸ¾šŸ¾šŸ˜ŠšŸ˜Š

If you want, you can get yours here (they come in a few different colours)

If it doesnā€™t come in your size, let me know. I do work with another supplier so we can find an option that works for you.

Just like with the mugs, the proceeds are going to dogs in need.

Subscriber Submissions

Iā€™d love to share YOUR favourite tips, toys, tools, tutorials, recipes .. whatever youā€™ve come to know and love that would help and benefit other Souls Touched by Dogs šŸ¾

Got something worth sharing? Hit reply and tell me about it.

Until next week,
